
Attendance Record for a Team visible in Organizers Control Panel

support 6 years ago updated by Valued Customer 3 years ago 1

Currently only Admin staff can view a teams attendance record. This has created a separation between the team organiser/ team players and the league management as they have no way to actively check if players are attending matches and have been accurately marked off in attendance for participating. This creates issues in finals when players must have played a minimum number of matches to be eligible to participate. 

There should be a way on the team control panel that the team organiser can click and view the attendance record for their team for each league they have registered in. This would allow team organisers to keep track of their players and in advance alert management/admin if there is an error and issue with the players attendance records.

I have noticed over the past year more and more team organisers ask about their attendance record especially close to finals as we use it to see which players have qualified or not. Is there anyway for organisers to find their record without asking admin or is this function still unavailable currently