
Players to be able to remove themselves from a team

support 6 years ago updated 2 years ago 3

Currently a person on a team has no way to remove themselves from an old team. They can only turn off notifications for emails. There are a number of users who have 10 + teams they are registered on and this is clogging up their dashboard. 

A user should have the ability to remove themselves from a team not just the team organiser.


Maybe this should be in the form of a request to either the team organiser or a designated staff admin.  Email get's sent with a link to deregister the user from the team in the same style as the request to join a team.

We do a bit of admin ourselves on adding players to teams.  Don't want users to be able to just willy nilly remove themselves from a team because they want to be on another team as it would potentially cause a lot of confusion for us.

Agreed this function should be just limited to the Team Organizer / Captain. They have the ability to add or remove players room a team. Maybe just a button the can be clicked by a player that generates an email to the captain saying they wish to be removed from a team would suffice. Sort of like the reverse of the "request to join a team" process.