
Add "Phase" to leagues so seasons can have multiple parts (eg, Round robin, then knockout etc)

support 7 years ago 0

We run our leagues in two parts; in the first half of the season, each team plays each other once, and then we split the league into two divisions: Premiership and Championship. The teams in each division then play each other again, and then there is a knock out phase until we reach an overall winner.

At the moment we have to create a second season on Spawtz to cater for the second half of the season, and the two are not linked together etc. Similarly, when we get into the knockout phase, there isn't really a good way to show which team was the eventual winner.

It would be great to be able to have "Phases" in a season. The participants in each of the divisisons of the subsequent phases should be driven by the standings of the earlier phases - eg, in the Premiership division in the second half phase, the participants would be "Team in position 1", "Team in position 2" etc ,and in the champs it would be "Team in position 5", "Team in position 6" etc. These would then get automatically filled when the first phase was completed.

Also it would be good to have a better way to display fixtures in the knock out stages - something like a tournament listing which shows which teams have knocked out which others etc.