
Warning/Autosave before navigating out of duty report

support 7 years ago 0

Duty report enhancement to pick up any changes made before navigating out.

Eg a user makes a whole bunch of changes to the duty report, then without saving clicks on calendar - Show a warning that data is unsaved and “are you sure”


Names on ‘Edit Stats’ pages to be ordered alphabetically by first name

support 7 years ago 0

Currently names are listed in ‘Surname, Firstname’ format. It would be great to have an option

to list alphabetically by first name – ‘Firstname Surname’

Update Bye points after the other results have been entered

support 7 years ago updated by Valued Customer 7 years ago 1

Currently bye points are added on the next day. Can this be adjusted so that bye points &

scores are updated when the other results are added to the table.

Referee and Umpire Shift Confirmation Emails / Reports

support 7 years ago updated by Valued Customer 4 years ago 1

When a referee is assigned to a match an email will be sent out reminding them of the upcoming games they have been scheduled for a day, as per the settings selected in the referee schedule config area. However there is no way to know if the referee is available for this work shift or not unless the referee on their own accord contacts you and says they are unavailable when they receive the reminder email. A system like how team captains/organizers receive availability confirmations from their players after the game reminder emails have been sent would work perfectly in this situation. If referees could be sent their game reminder emails that included a 'confirmation of availability' link it would help admin organizers know and check if a referee was confirmed for the shift they have been assigned. It would be great as well if in the calendar this would show up as a "Warning" or a "Clash" error for the fixture alerting to the fact that the referee is unavailable.

This would stop situations when referees do not show up for shifts because they had prior engagements or simply did not get a reminder email. This is especially important when there are over a dozen referees scheduled on a night as you would then be only need to contact the referees that have not confirmed their availability as yes or no rather then constantly having to keep ask referees by other means.


Venue Splash Pages further divided by time

support 7 years ago 0

We'd like a time parameter added in so for example the splash page only shows games between 9:00-17:00 and then later in the night he'll switch to 17:00 – 22:00

So the 2 input fields would be start time and finish time and only fixtures (and standings related to those fixtures) between those times are shown.


Foul counter for soccer

support 7 years ago updated 4 years ago 1

We count the number of fouls in soccer instead of reds/yellows. When they hit a certain level of fouls a goal is removed (or some other penalty). So it would be handy to have the ability to count fouls on the screen, not take any action, but count the number of fouls for each team and display on the scoreboard.

By adding this feature to the scoreboard, umpires and centre management would be better able to keep track of infringements on the rules and teams that are causing issues both during a game and throughout a season. Recording fouls gives centres the ability to put in place penalties for teams that continually breach the rules in a sport where continuous fouls often leads to unruly behaviour. It assists the umpires in giving them a system that they can use to penalise teams that are committing multiple fouls in a match and will also provide a clearer way for centre management to see how a game is going ie. games where multiple fouls are being committed need to be closely monitored to ensure players are behaving in the appropriate manner. Recording penalty cards also makes it easier for umpires and centre management to keep on top of behaviour and record teams that are continually committing breaches of the rules.


Toggle ability for organisers to update squad lists

support 5 years ago updated by Valued Customer 5 years ago 1

Problem we have:
We have a deadline of week two for each league for squads to be updated by for the season ahead. Unfortunately people are still abusing this and adding in players afterward without the consent of the league organiser. With the number of teams that we have to look after monitoring this is impossible and obviously if we add retrospective penalties when we do find a breach, we inevitably alienate teams.

Possible solution:
To have a button on the divisions/teams page which for all selected teams locks their squads which means that the option to edit squads on the front end is disabled.
The same button would unlock the squad when we get close to the end of the season.
The lock/unlock squad button would also appear on the team's players page.


Sort Individual Users in a League by Column Headings

support 6 years ago 0

It would make managing individual users that register in each league much easier if the users could be sorted in the display view by each of the different column headings: Name, Gender, Registration Date, In a Team in this League/Season, Outstanding Balance. This way specific individuals can be identified in the list quickly by their name or grouped together so all players in a specific team are visible.


Allow for disciplinary record to be hidden from publicly visible site

support 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 3

For certain leagues, it would be great to be able to capture red and yellow cards, but for those parts of the stats to only be visible to administrators, not to the public.


Automatically assign a shirt colour to the team

support 7 years ago updated by Valued Customer 3 years ago 2

Find a way in the team profile to add a shirt colour.
This can then be displayed either on the notice board report, scoresheet printout under or next to the team name etc…

This will help managers, referees + players to work out before the start of the game if they require bibs.
This will help in lost time and frustration by the players.